Personal Slack Data Export
The best tool I found for the job is slackdump
. The following steps apply to MacOS only, though of course you may find some work on other platforms.
The easiest way to get started is with Homebrew:
brew install slackdump
To set up authentication, load the Slack web app, and follow the instructions here to extract the token and cookie, which should then be added to a file called secrets.txt
in the folder where slackdump
will be run:
Channel Listing & Splitting
Unfortunately, slackdump
doesn’t provide any runtime estimation while it’s exporting, and exports (particularly with uploaded files) can get very large. Slack rate limiting means they can also take rather a long time.
Let’s split the export up into chunks of different types of data.
slackdump list channels
This can take a few minutes, but eventually spits out a file like channels-XYZ.txt
with a line for each type of chat you have access to.
First let’s get rid of archived channels. We won’t bother with those.
sed '/ arch /d' channels-XYZ.txt > channels-live.txt
Now we’ll split it up into DMs, groups chats, public and channels:
awk '$1 ~ /^D/ {print $1}' channels-live.txt > channels-dms.txt
awk '$3 ~ /^Group:/ {print $1}' channels-live.txt > channels-groups.txt
awk '$3 ~ /^#/ {print $1}' channels-live.txt > channels-public.txt
awk '$3 ~ /^🔒/ {print $1}' channels-live.txt > channels-private.txt
Make sure they’re all there before moving on:
➜ wc -l channels-dms.txt channels-groups.txt channels-public.txt channels-private.txt
209 channels-dms.txt
424 channels-groups.txt
1459 channels-public.txt
53 channels-private.txt
2145 total
➜ wc -l channels-live.txt
2146 channels-live.txt
Should you wish to triage any of these first, do it in two stages like this:
awk '$3 ~ /^🔒/' channels-live.txt > channels-private-triage.txt
# Remove any channels/chats which are not required
awk '{print $1}' channels-private-triage.txt > channels-private.txt
Run an export for each list:
slackdump export -o -avatars -files=true @channels-dms.txt # 26m45s
slackdump export -o -avatars -files=true @channels-groups.txt # 7m35s
slackdump export -o -files=false @channels-private.txt # 1h51m
slackdump export -o -files=false @channels-public.txt
Note that I decided to only download user avatars for the DM export, and omit uploaded files for channels to save space.
I also provided my own runtimes here, which correspond to the number of channels in the wc
output above (except public which I cut down significantly). Clearly the runtime also depends a lot on channel sizes, but it gives a vague idea of the order of magnitude.
Slack rate limiting definitely seems to be the limiting factor, allowing bursts of ~5s followed by 10s waits, once the export gets going.
Monitoring Progress
As mentioned, it’s not easy to track export progress. I noticed that when it starts, Slackdump shows its temporary directory, for example:
INFO temporary directory in use tmpdir=/var/folders/59/xwg_1t6d29l23h48lddxdlsr0000fn/T/slackdump-1846332288
Inside are a bunch of files, one for each channel (plus one or two more). Knowing how many files are in the input channel list, we can put together a makeshift progress indicator as follows:
cd /var/[your dir]
TOTAL=732; while :; do count=$(ls -1 2>/dev/null | grep -vE 'users.json.gz|workspace.json.gz' | wc -l); printf "\r[%-*s] %d/%d (%.1f%%)" 40 "$(printf '#%.0s' $(seq $((40 * count / TOTAL))))" "$count" "$TOTAL" "$((100 * count / TOTAL)).0"; [ "$count" -ge "$TOTAL" ] && break; sleep 1; done; echo
to the total number of channels in the input list).
[######################## ] 455/732 (62.0%)
describes, Slackdump contains its own built-in viewer:
slackdump view
Alternatively I’ve also had success with slack-export-viewer
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install slack-export-viewer
source bin/activate
slack-export-viewer -z ./ -p 8000
Note: If you get an error like “codec can’t encode character”, it’s this. Extract the zip and point it at the directory instead.